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Projects that MAD has completed so far, some with the kind support from kind hearted friends, family, guests, partners and people who came to know about us and share our cause.


We call them Friends Of MAD.

Completed projects

Projects that MAD has completed so far, some with the kind support from kind hearted friends, family, guests, partners and people who came to know about us and share our cause.


We call them Friends Of MAD.

Some of our completed projects so far : - 

Procured and delivered blankets, towels, bags and stationary for Phumsumgang PS and Gomhu LSS

Providing school children with the basic comfort necessities and school supplies is always at the top of our list to do for the children. These 2 schools are just 2 of the schools we visited on one of our field trip visiting the rural areas.   



Fully funded and completed

Pilot Project to build a library in Changzhu Village, Samtse

To encourage reading and to provide an opportunity for students who spend their weekends back home in their own villages and those children in boarding schools returning to their villages during their winter break, MAD and a group of volunteer teachers and rover scout leaders embarked on a pilot project to build a library inside a Dharma house.


With this initiative, children and even villagers in the Changzhu Village have now access to various books for reading even during their school holidays and weekends.  



Fully funded and completed (Funded with support from Ms Carolyn Lim , Singapore)

Educational Tour for slected students from remote school in Samtse

MAD is the main sponsor for an educational tour conducted in June 2019 for a group of selected students from a rural school in Samtse district (Chongzhu Pri School).


All of the students are top achievers of their class but have not had any chance to leave their village to visit any other districts in their own country. We believe that learning should not be restricted to only inside their classrooms and to encourage them to continue with their good work in their studies, MAD supported this initiative with the teachers and volunteers to take these students to visit their capital city and surrounding places of importance as an incentive. Another objective of this tour is also to show them the various job opportunities that awaits them if they continue to pursue excellence in their academic result.   


Support were also received from the Member of Parliament for Samtse district, the Minister of Health and the Secretary of Education, Management and staff of Le Meridien Paro, Management and staff of Norkhil Boutique Hotel in Thimphu, executive team from BBS and Bhutan Heli as well as many other individuals. 


Fully funded and completed

School play area building project for Thrindangbi Primary School, Mongar

The road approaching Mongar is one of the most spectacular journeys in the country. It's landscape is spectacular with stark cliffs and deep gorges set amidst dense conifer forests and the region is also known for its weavers and textiles, and fabrics produced here are considered some of the best in the country.


Due to it's location, the school do not have sufficient flat open ground for children activities. Volunteers from nearby communities tried build a children play area but due to lack of expertise, the facility is not functioning and safe for use.  


The school has humbly requested for help to reconstruct a safe play area for children to have some fun during breaks as well as constructing proper steps on the undulating school compound. 


Fully funded and completed (Funded By Chua Family in memory of Mr Rex Chua, Singapore)

Provision of school uniforms to Tshogoenpa Primary School

Tshogoenpa Primary School is located 7.5 kilometers away from the main road between Samdrupjongkhar and Trashigang and 105 kilometres away from the main town in Trashigang. With a total of about 80 students in 2018, majority of the students are from Kaimanma and Wamrong, located towards the southern part of the school with approximately two kilometers walk to the school from the villages.


Currently, the children are having different set of uniforms and the school are in consultation with the villagers of standardising the uniform for academic year 2019. A request has came to us from the school and the villages for help in supporting them with a new set of school uniform, socks, shoes and slippers for the children. We are also getting beddings for existing Class 6 pupils so they can have a new set of beddings when they graduate the primary school by year end for boarding school beginning next year.



Project completed (Funded By Ms Carolyn Lim and Mr Chua Y.M., Singapore)

Provision of school uniforms to Dungmanba Primary School

Dungmanba Primary School is located approximately 35 kilometers away from Wamrong Town, a sub district in Trashigang. With a total of about 40 students in 2018, majority of the students are from nearby villages that are a distance away.


With the difficult and wet terrain during rainy season, students often face problems of leeches bites. A request has come from the school to help support them with uniforms and gumboots. 



Project completed 

Stocking up new library books, provision of uniforms and heaters for Barshong Primary School

Facing the challenge of insufficient library books for the younger students from PP to class 3, the school has requested for support on procuring relevant books for the lower primary students to be stock up in their library. 


We have also provided a set of new uniform to all students and equipped the classrooms with heaters.


Project completed

Restoration of windows in Bemji Primary School, Trongsa.

With many window panes broken in classrooms and hostels, children have to deal with wet school books and beddings when it rains in Trongsa. Some panels are temporarily fixed with wooden panels but this restricts the natural day light into the classrooms and students have to have their lessons conducted in dimly lit classrooms.


MAD plans to fund the restoration of windows and replacement of the broken panes with clear glass or perspex sheets. 


Project completed (Funded By Rotary Club of Changi, Singapore District 3310)

Provision of Blankets and Mattresses to Bemji Primary School, Trongsa.

All boarding school children are required to bring their own study and comfort items such as mattress, pillow, blankets, bags etc. With close to half of the boarding school children in this primary school are from a single parent family or orphans living with their guardians in the villages around Trongsa, many of the families could not afford to provide a decent mattress and blanket for the children. As such, most children have to live with the thin mattresses on their bunk beds with torn blankets. 



Project completed (Funded By Rotary Club of Changi, Singapore District 3310)

Sports equipment for Kharsa Primary School, Bumthang

Currently, the school has insufficient sports equipment for any sports activities and the school has humbly requested for help to procure some sports item for the children. 


Work in Progress  (Funded by Ms Julette Alon)

Provision of grass cutter to Lahku Primary School, Punakha

We have provided one unit of grass cutter to Lahku Primary School to help maintain the surroundings of the school. 



Provision of school uniforms, footwear and portable speaker system to Brekha Primary School, Trashigang

Due to poor road conditions and infrequent domestic flights, Trashigang is consider to be one of the more rural district in Bhutan. 


Through frequent engagements with the Ministry and teaching staffs in various schools, news got to  us that many families with children in Brekha Primary School, a remote school in the Trashigang Gewog, are facing financial difficulties supporting their children and some were not able to afford basic necessities like school uniforms for the children.


In April 2018, together with one of our donors Mr CP Lo from Malaysia, we visited Brekha Primary School to deliver new sets of uniforms and school shoes to all students.


MAD also committed to support the school and community by providing new uniforms for all new intakes and those who outgrow their exiting sets for the next 5 years till year 2023.


Ongoing Project

Provision of projectors to Wolathang, Dhaksa and Kharsa PS

To provide better teaching aids for the schools, we have provided projectors to the above selected schools.



Replacement of damaged photocopier machine to Dhur Primary School, Bumthang

A replacement photocopier has been given to Dhur Primary School for official use.



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